
A Proclivity for Printing


‘Twas the night before her wedding day when all through the house, not a creature was stirring not even a …bridesmaid? Cozied in bed with thoughts of my bestie’s big day I wake to a phone call. On the other end in a midnight panic the bride-to-be exclaimed “Help! I forgot the seating chart!” Without hesitation I accept responsibility for what need crossing off her days to-do list and there began my affinity for what handwritten help I could offer. While I am no oracle of typeface I will claim it, among other things, as my métier and am glad to offer any assistance to those interested.
For examples or inquiries feel free to contact Xx

By elizabethkeeter

Appalachian State University
Apparel Design & Merchandising Major, Marketing Minor
Sigma Kappa Sorority

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